...and Bob's Your Uncle / S8 / 12m25s / 2008
a film by Nicu Ilfoveanu & Michele Bressan
>>txt, scroll down for english>>
Avem deosebita placere de a va prezenta povestea sfasietor de induiosatoare a unui om ce a cunoscut viata si lumina soarelui abea la varsta de 33 de ani.
Bazat pe o poveste reala,
Autorii Ma numesc Gezu Bob, cunoscutii imi spun Gezu Bob. Spun cunoscutii deoarece nu am prieteni, nu am avut niciodata. Am fost 8 frati, dintre care am ramas doar eu... o boala rara de piele ce se agraveaza dramatic la contactul cu lumina soarelui, ne-a decimat. Ignoranta si saracia parintilor mei a facut ca totul sa fie descoperit prea tarziu, abea dupa ce toti fratii mei au murit, unii in timp ce se scaldau, altii in timp ce jucau fotbal, cel mai mic, Bobinio, in timp ce admira niste avioane trecand pe cer, s-au topit toti ca niste meduze la soare. Spun "parinti" din reflex deoarece pe tata nu l-am cunoscut niciodata, am trait si crescut doar cu mama, in mica casa cu geamurile vopsite din varful muntelui, casa in care pana si prietenii mei imaginari radeau de mine, in care 3 tablouri scorojite si fata de masa din musama cu scene din savana africana au reprezentat singura mea legatura cu o posibila realitate, cu "restul lumii". Mama a fost pe vremuri profesoara de sport, a obtinut chiar si cateva medalii cu "baietii ei" cum ii place sa-i numeasca... din cand in cand mai trec sa o viziteze si, in timp ce le pregateste cafeaua, nu pierd ocazia sa rada de mine, isi dau coate si imi spun "monstru", unii imi fac chiar si poze... Urasc, urasc cu sincera pasiune scanteia de admiratie ce apare in ochii mamei cand vorbeste de "baietii ei", stiu ca si-ar fi dorit ca unul din ei sa-i fie fiu, urasc acea sanie pe rotile dupa care am fost botezat.
In dimineata aceea, cand mama m-a parasit am decis sa risc, sa ies pt prima oara din casa...am zis ca daca va fi sa ma topesc o voi face razand... Surpriza nu a fost mica cand am constatat ca nu patesc nimic, absolut nimic. Norii se misca prea repede, zilele trec incet in noua mea viata petrecuta bantuind ca o fantoma in jurul casei sau prin padure, auzind in ecou aceleasi megafoane de pe peronul garii pe care le ascultam in copilarie si intrebandu-ma: oare boala a existat vreo data?
Cine sunt adevaratii monstrii?
al vostru,
Gezu Bob
p.s. tin sa multumesc autorilor, aceste doua fiinte sensibile, pentru a fi relatat si prezentat cu mare tact povestea si faptele din ea. Michele si Nicu, veti avea intotdeauna un loc special in inima mea! >>eng>>
It is our unique pleasure to present to you the shatteringly heartwarming story of a man that has known life and the light of the sun only when he was 33 years old.
Based on a real story,
The Authors
My name is Gezu Bob, everybody that knows me calls me Gezu Bob. I say "everybody that knows me" me because I have no friends, I've never had. We were 8 brothers, out of whom I am the only one left… a rare skin disease that dramatically aggravates by exposure to sunlight has taken its toll upon us. Our parents' ignorance and poverty was such that everything was discovered too late, only after all my brothers had died, some while bathing, others while playing football, the youngest, Bobinio, while admiring some airplanes passing through the sky, they all melted like jellyfish under the sun. I say "parents" out of reflex because I've never known my father, I lived and grew up only with my mother, in the small house with painted windows on the mountain top, the house in which even my imaginary friends laughed at me, in which the 3 paint chipped paintings hanging from the walls and the table oilcloth with scenes from the African savannah represented my only connection to a possible reality, to the "rest of the world". My mother used to be a phys ed teacher, and has even won a few medals with "her boys", how she liked to call them… from time to time they pass to say hello, and while she makes coffee, they don't miss the occasion to make fun of me, poke each other and call me "monster"; some even take photos of me... I hate, hate passionately and sincerely the spark of admiration that lights my mother's eyes when she talks of "her boys", I know that she would have liked one of them to be her son, I hate that sledge on wheels after which I have been named.
That morning, when Mom left me, I decided to risk, to get out of the house for the first time… I told myself that if I were to melt I would do it laughing… My surprise wasn't little when I discovered that nothing happens to me, absolutely nothing. The clouds move too fast, the days pass slowly in my new life spent walking like a ghost around the house or through the forest, hearing echoing the same loudspeakers from the train station that I would hear as a child, and I ask myself: did the illness really exist?
Who are the real monsters?
Gezu Bob
p.s. I'd like to thank the authors, these two sensitive human beings, for revealing and presenting my story in the right manner. Michele and Nicu, you'll always have a special place in my heart.
a film by Nicu Ilfoveanu & Michele Bressan
>>txt, scroll down for english>>
Avem deosebita placere de a va prezenta povestea sfasietor de induiosatoare a unui om ce a cunoscut viata si lumina soarelui abea la varsta de 33 de ani.
Bazat pe o poveste reala,
Autorii Ma numesc Gezu Bob, cunoscutii imi spun Gezu Bob. Spun cunoscutii deoarece nu am prieteni, nu am avut niciodata. Am fost 8 frati, dintre care am ramas doar eu... o boala rara de piele ce se agraveaza dramatic la contactul cu lumina soarelui, ne-a decimat. Ignoranta si saracia parintilor mei a facut ca totul sa fie descoperit prea tarziu, abea dupa ce toti fratii mei au murit, unii in timp ce se scaldau, altii in timp ce jucau fotbal, cel mai mic, Bobinio, in timp ce admira niste avioane trecand pe cer, s-au topit toti ca niste meduze la soare. Spun "parinti" din reflex deoarece pe tata nu l-am cunoscut niciodata, am trait si crescut doar cu mama, in mica casa cu geamurile vopsite din varful muntelui, casa in care pana si prietenii mei imaginari radeau de mine, in care 3 tablouri scorojite si fata de masa din musama cu scene din savana africana au reprezentat singura mea legatura cu o posibila realitate, cu "restul lumii". Mama a fost pe vremuri profesoara de sport, a obtinut chiar si cateva medalii cu "baietii ei" cum ii place sa-i numeasca... din cand in cand mai trec sa o viziteze si, in timp ce le pregateste cafeaua, nu pierd ocazia sa rada de mine, isi dau coate si imi spun "monstru", unii imi fac chiar si poze... Urasc, urasc cu sincera pasiune scanteia de admiratie ce apare in ochii mamei cand vorbeste de "baietii ei", stiu ca si-ar fi dorit ca unul din ei sa-i fie fiu, urasc acea sanie pe rotile dupa care am fost botezat.
In dimineata aceea, cand mama m-a parasit am decis sa risc, sa ies pt prima oara din casa...am zis ca daca va fi sa ma topesc o voi face razand... Surpriza nu a fost mica cand am constatat ca nu patesc nimic, absolut nimic. Norii se misca prea repede, zilele trec incet in noua mea viata petrecuta bantuind ca o fantoma in jurul casei sau prin padure, auzind in ecou aceleasi megafoane de pe peronul garii pe care le ascultam in copilarie si intrebandu-ma: oare boala a existat vreo data?
Cine sunt adevaratii monstrii?
al vostru,
Gezu Bob
p.s. tin sa multumesc autorilor, aceste doua fiinte sensibile, pentru a fi relatat si prezentat cu mare tact povestea si faptele din ea. Michele si Nicu, veti avea intotdeauna un loc special in inima mea! >>eng>>
It is our unique pleasure to present to you the shatteringly heartwarming story of a man that has known life and the light of the sun only when he was 33 years old.
Based on a real story,
The Authors
My name is Gezu Bob, everybody that knows me calls me Gezu Bob. I say "everybody that knows me" me because I have no friends, I've never had. We were 8 brothers, out of whom I am the only one left… a rare skin disease that dramatically aggravates by exposure to sunlight has taken its toll upon us. Our parents' ignorance and poverty was such that everything was discovered too late, only after all my brothers had died, some while bathing, others while playing football, the youngest, Bobinio, while admiring some airplanes passing through the sky, they all melted like jellyfish under the sun. I say "parents" out of reflex because I've never known my father, I lived and grew up only with my mother, in the small house with painted windows on the mountain top, the house in which even my imaginary friends laughed at me, in which the 3 paint chipped paintings hanging from the walls and the table oilcloth with scenes from the African savannah represented my only connection to a possible reality, to the "rest of the world". My mother used to be a phys ed teacher, and has even won a few medals with "her boys", how she liked to call them… from time to time they pass to say hello, and while she makes coffee, they don't miss the occasion to make fun of me, poke each other and call me "monster"; some even take photos of me... I hate, hate passionately and sincerely the spark of admiration that lights my mother's eyes when she talks of "her boys", I know that she would have liked one of them to be her son, I hate that sledge on wheels after which I have been named.
That morning, when Mom left me, I decided to risk, to get out of the house for the first time… I told myself that if I were to melt I would do it laughing… My surprise wasn't little when I discovered that nothing happens to me, absolutely nothing. The clouds move too fast, the days pass slowly in my new life spent walking like a ghost around the house or through the forest, hearing echoing the same loudspeakers from the train station that I would hear as a child, and I ask myself: did the illness really exist?
Who are the real monsters?
Gezu Bob
p.s. I'd like to thank the authors, these two sensitive human beings, for revealing and presenting my story in the right manner. Michele and Nicu, you'll always have a special place in my heart.